Gold Prices Slump
May 09, 2016
Emas turun rendah pada Senin siang, (9/5) ditengah dari penguatan dolar AS pasca dirilisnya data NFP AS.
Divisi Comex New York Merchantile Exchange, spot emas untuk pengiriman Juni turun -0.85% di level $1.283.55 troy ons. Membantu dolar rebound, Presiden Federal Reserve New York, William Dudley mengatakan kenaikan tingkat suku bunga AS dua kali di tahun ini masih merupakan “harapan yang masuk akal.”
Dari tempat lain, data Tiongkok di minggu ini diharapkan menunjukkan aktivitas yang dikelola di bulan April setelah menunjukkan kenaikan kuat pada bulan Maret. Dari jajak pendapat Reuters prakiraan penurunan kecil dalam indeks ekspor di bulan lalu.
Cadangan emas Tiongkok naik di level 58.14 juta ons troy dari bulan sebelumnya di level 57.79 juta troy ons pada akhir Maret, seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh bank sentral hari ini. Pada perdagangan Comex lainnya, spot perak berjangka turun -0.61% di level $17.420 troy ons, dan tembaga turun-1.76% di level $2.116 troy pound. (source:
Gold dropped lower on Monday afternoon (9/5) the middle of a strengthening US dollar after the release of US NFP data.
The Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, spot gold for June delivery dropped -0.85% to $ 1.283.55 troy ounce. Helped the dollar rebound, the New York Federal Reserve President William Dudley said the rise in US interest rates twice this year is still a "reasonable expectation."
From elsewhere, the data of China this week is expected to show activity run in April, after showing strong gains in March. From a Reuters poll forecasts a small decline in the index of export in the last month.
Chinese gold reserves rose at the level of 58.14 million troy ounces from the previous month's level of 57.79 million troy ounces by the end of March, as indicated by the central bank today. In another Comex trading, spot silver futures down -0.61% to $ 17,420 troy ounces, and copper down-1.76% at the level of $ 2,116 a troy pound. (source:
Gold Chart Tf 1h (source: |