CTL: Sudahkah anda bersyukur hari ini?
February 24, 2016
Sudahkah anda bersyukur di setiap hari-hari anda? Mau sampai kapan
anda selalu mengeluh dengan keadaan yang anda punya sekarang? Anda
melihat ada orang lain yang memiliki lebih dari apa yang anda miliki.
Tetaplah bersyukur dengan keadaan anda sekarang dan mulailah untuk
melangkah perlahan demi mencapai segala apa yang anda inginkan.
Have you say thanks every day? Till when you always complain to the situation that you have now? You see there are other people who have more than what you have. Stay grateful with your situation now and begin to move slowly to achieve all what you want.
See more my daily activity on my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIWTNKWrK17LjzMXWTM_3Ag
Have you say thanks every day? Till when you always complain to the situation that you have now? You see there are other people who have more than what you have. Stay grateful with your situation now and begin to move slowly to achieve all what you want.
See more my daily activity on my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIWTNKWrK17LjzMXWTM_3Ag